Icon of Cermer, Ceramic Food Packaging Solutions

Expressions of a lifestyle

By simply walking around our home, the place where we work, or the restaurant that we like so much, we realize that we are surrounded by objects made of ceramic that have become essential companions to make our day to day lives more enjoyable. All of these are expressions of our lifestyle.

Ceramic objects are part of our daily life

From the moment we wake up until we go to bed, we are surrounded by ceramic objects. The soap dish in our bathroom, a toothbrush holder, towel racks, or even drawer handles, the list of items made of ceramic are endless. What do we see when we enter the kitchen? The first cup of coffee for the day, the bowl where we pour our cereal or even a knife with which we cut a slice of bread: it seems that without this warm and simple material, it is practically impossible to prepare breakfast.

It is impossible to imagine a home where there are no ceramic objects to make life easier and more pleasant.

Expressions of a lifestyle
Expressions of a lifestyle

Objects that convey a lifestyle

Ceramic objects are not only limited to fulfilling a practical function. Along with the clothes that we wear every day, the household utensils and decorative pieces that we choose to have in our homes, ceramics are a symbol of our taste and lifestyle. We consciously decide how we want to present a dish that we have prepared for our friends or in choosing the perfect vase for the flowers we have just bought. 
Similarly, the presence of ceramics in our surroundings extends beyond utensils or decorative objects. Handmade floors and tiles that combine the modern with the traditional and have coined the term "neo-craftsmanship" are increasing in demand. The recovery of traditional construction elements such as Mediterranean lattices made of clay again adds value to a sustainable material that is unalterable over time.
Expressions of a lifestyle
Ceramics are experiencing a real resurgence. The growing interest in the search for the authentic and traditional has put the spotlight on new ceramic workshops. People are not only interested in the finished piece but also the creation process. The pandemic has sparked a new interest in decorating our homes, as well as discovering that working with clay can become a kind of meditation.
Expressions of a lifestyle

Ceramic objects are a reflection of our lifestyle

The trend of upcycling

Deciding on a ceramic product is not only an aesthetic matter but also a declaration of intent. The sustainability of this material means that ceramic objects can have many lives. With a lot of creativity, more and more consumers choose to convert ceramic containers for daily use into pieces with an alternative function, thus prolonging their lifecycle. Such as storing salt and other herbs and spices, place candles, or simply present decorative plants in an original way. The imagination is boundless.

Expressions of a lifestyle
As a company dedicated to food packaging, we are well aware of the finer details that can make a difference. Our containers' designs are conceived to be part of this small ceramic universe and can even become long-lasting companions such as tableware, kitchenware or decorative objects.

Ceramic containers are ideal for alternative functions to extend their lifecycle

Expressions of a lifestyle